Up HornsbyBend09 Slideshow

Photos taken on 11 January 09 at Hornsby Bend, Austin, TX. These few photos are merely a sample of many bird species encountered there.
Cinnamon Teal 011109 010
Eared Grebe 011109 147
Eared Grebe 011109 152
Green-winged Teal 011109 050
Least Grebe 011109 076
Loggerhead Shrike 011109 130
Meadowlark 011109 088
Northern Pintail 011109 039
Northern Shoveler 011109 069
Red-winged Blackbird 011109 019
Ruddy Duck 011109 170
Ruddy Duck fem 011109 137
Savannah Sparrow 011109 095
Savannah Sparrow 011109 113

Total images: 14 | Last update: 1/11/09 10:42 PM | Made with JAlbum & Chameleon | Help